Liberia is well known for the consumption of vegetables. However, the nation depends on importation from neighboring countries especially during lean seasons. It has always remained food self-insufficient for decades. There are steps to be taken to become food self-sufficient including in vegetable production. This paper investigates into the factors that determine production of okra in Margibi County of Liberia. Data were collected through the use of wellstructured questionnaire and observations. A total of 124 small scale okra farmers were selected using multi stage sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Cobb Douglas production function. The results show that labour, herbicides, seed quantity and use of improved okra varieties were significant factors for increased production of okra. Farmers that cultivated improved okra varieties were more productive than those that cultivated local seed varieties. It was recommended that all the above inputs should be used optimally; cultivation of improved varieties should be promoted; and credit services should be extended to small scale farmers for improved farm productivity.