Urinary schistosomiasis is endemic in Nigeria and continues to pose public health challenges especially ininhabitantofrural areas. This study examined the epidemiological profile of urinary schistosomiasis in riverine area of OndoWestLocal Government (Owena Obadore), Nigeria. Experimental design was used to determine the level of prevalence.Urine samples were collected, covered tightly and transported to the microbiology laboratory for analysis.Acompoundmicroscope was also used to view the egg in the urine. Also, descriptive survey design was used to determinetheperception and knowledge of the pupils examined. A population sample of 130 school aged children was usedforthestudy. Questionnaires were administered to school aged children to obtain information on their source of knowledge,perception on symptoms and prevention of schistosomiasis. Data was analysed using descriptive statisticssuchasfrequency counts, percentages, mean and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Results of the findingshowavery low level of prevalence of schistosomiasis (3.08%) in the community, though the level of prevalence recordedwashigher in males with (2.30%) compared to females with (0.76%). Based on the results of findings showinglowprevalence, further research should be carried out in the entire Ondo State to ascertain the prevalenceofschistosomiasis.