Impact of Management Strategies on Sports Facility Sustainability and Effectiveness of Operations in Higher Institutions

Successful semi-professional athletes in higher institutions in Nigeria have risen to prominence as a result of theirinvolvement in collegiate sports, but in recent times this situation is no longer visible due to the lowimpact of
management strategies on sports facility complex sustainability and ef ectiveness of operations in these higherinstitutions. The research focused on management strategies and its impact on facility sustenance and ef ectivenessof operations in higher institutions in Lagos State. The variables studied were booking and scheduling, financial
management strategies, housekeeping and maintenance strategies, concession and novelties. Four hypotheses weretested in the study. The population of the study comprised Directors of Sports, Deputy Directors of Sports, Coaches, Clerical of icers, Security personnel, Student-athletes, and other Stakeholders. A sample of four hundred andeight
five respondents (485) was selected for the study through the stratified random sampling technique. The descriptivesurvey research method was adopted for the study. A self-developed research questionnaire designed and validatedby experts in sports management was used to collect data from the respondents. Responses from the questionnairewere subjected to the descriptive statistics of bar chart while the four research hypotheses were tested usingtheinferential statistics of multiple regression at 0.05 alpha level. The findings from the study showed that bookingandscheduling recorded F-Value (8.842; P<0.05), financial management strategy F-Value (5.88; P<0.05), housekeeping and maintenance strategies F-Value (7.91; P<0.05), concession and novelties F-Value (4.12; P<0.05)
were all significant. The study concluded that booking and scheduling, financial management strategy, housekeeping, adequate maintenance, Concessioning and adequate food provision should be given priority inthesustenance of sports facilities and the ef ectiveness of its operations in higher institutions. The study recommendedthat sports administrators should adopt modern trends in sports complex management, so as to ensure that fundsgenerated provide suf icient revenue that will be utilised for ef ective and ef icient functioning of sports facilities inhigher institutions of learning.