Low production of arable crops in rural areas has been attributed to lack of ef ective extension communicationmethods; hence farmers have continued to use traditional methods leading to low yield. This study thereforeinvestigated perceived ef ectiveness of extension communication methods among arable crop farmers in Ijebu-odeagricultural zone of Ogun State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 120 respondents for thestudy. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics at p =0.05. Results revealed that majorityof
the respondents were between 20 to 41 years (60.8%), males (62.5%) and with household size of 3 to 6 persons(71.6%). Majority (57.5%) earned N7, 000-N25000 monthly income and belonged to social associations (53.3%)
Majority had <7 acres of farm land size (71.3%) with over 10 years farming experience (73.4%). Nearly half
(46.7%) were not visited by extension agents.There was a significant relationship between extension communicationmethods used (r=2.090, p=0.005) and respondents’ perception of ef ectiveness of extension communication methods. In spite of challenges of extension services delivery in the study area the study concluded that most 62.5%hadfavourable perception of the ef ectiveness of extension communication methods. The study therefore recommendedthat regular training and re-training of extension workers in communication skills be organized to keepthemupdated for ef ective extension service delivery and a way out for improved productivity of the farmers.