Transferrin Polymorphism among two populations of West African Dwarf Goats inSub- Saharan Africa

The present investigation is aimed at describing the transferinn polymorphism in West African Dwarf (WAD) goat fromtwosouth-western States in Nigeria using cellulose acetate gel. Blood sample (5mls) were collected from sixty mature WADgoat, thirty from each of the sample area, (Ibadan and Ijebu-Ode). Blood sample were processed and used for electrophoresis analysis. Statistic analysis was done using Tools for Population Genetic Analyses (TFPGA) programme. Three alleles were observedonthe average across all the populations, TFA TFB and TFC with frequencies of 0.51, 0.44 and 0.07 respectively. The results revealedno significant dif erence (P<0.05) in the value of Hardy Weinberg’s Equilibrium (0.90) while Fst value was significant (P<0.05) (-0.02) indicating an outbred populations. Observed heterozygosity across the population was higher (0.62) than the expectedheterozygosity (0.56). Average genetic diversity was 0.55 showing a level of diversity among the population sample